Basic Copper 53
50 lb bag
Basic Copper 53 can be applied as a protectant or preventative product to the plant surface prior to the disease occurring. Basic Copper 53 fungicide inhibits fungal spore germination and mycelial growth through the release of free copper ions (Cu+2) from the applied copper.
Find A RepProduct Type:
- Alfalfa
- Almond
- Apples
- Apricot
- Avocado
- Bananas
- Barley
- Beans (Dry)
- Beans (Green)
- Beets (Table)
- Blueberry
- Cacao
- Carrots
- Celery
- Cherry
- Citrus
- Coffee
- Cranberry
- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Cucurbits
- Dill
- Eggplant
- Filbert
- Garlic
- Ginseng
- Guava
- Hops
- Kiwi
- Leafy Vegetables
- Macadamia
- Mango
- Nectarine
- Oats
- Olive
- Onion
- Papaya
- Parsley
- Passion Fruit
- Pea
- Peach
- Peanut
- Pear
- Pecan
- Pepper
- Pistachio
- Plum
- Potato
- Soybean
- Strawberry
- Sugar Beets
- Tomato
- Walnut
- Watercress
- Wheat
- Grapes
- Caneberries
- Chives
- Currant
- Gooseberry
Active Ingredient:
Product Features:
- Basic Copper 53 is highly water-soluble resulting in the rapid release of copper ions (Cu+2).
- Highly effective copper formulation that will control a variety of diseases on more than 60 crops.
- Basic Copper 53 can be applied by ground, aerial or through approved
chemigation equipment. - Basic Copper 53 is OMRI certified and can be used in organic production systems.
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