Verify ATZ Lite
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Verify™ ATZ Lite is recommended for control of yellow nutsedge and many annual grasses and broadleaf weeds listed in the “WEEDS CONTROLLED” section of the product label. This product alone will not control emerged seedlings.
Verify ATZ Lite may be applied either as a surface application before or after planting, or after crop emergence. It may also be shallowly incorporated prior to planting to blend the herbicide treatment into the upper 1 to 2 inches of soil. Except for minimum or conservation tillage systems, the seedbed should be fine, firm and free of clods and trash.
Compare to: Harness® Xtra
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Product Features:
- Labeled on more than 40 annual grass and broadleaf weeds and sedges, including yellow nutsedge, barnyardgrass, foxtails, lambsquarters, velvetleaf, and waterhemp.
- Offers a flexible rate range of acetochlor and atrazine, depending on soil type and texture.
- Flexible application window from preplant and preemergence through early postemergence in corn up to 11” in height.
- May be tank mixed with other labeled herbicides to expand the spectrum of control.
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