2 x 2.5 gal, 265 gal
Concentrated herbicide formulation designed for use on herbicide resistant (including Roundup Ready® or Liberty Link®) and conventional field corn and silage corn for the control of annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Caballero® herbicide is designed for use on herbicide resistant (including Roundup Ready® or Liberty Link®) and conventional field corn and silage corn. When tank mixed with Group 15 herbicides, including acetochlor or metolachlor, it may be used in preplant, preemergence, or early postemergence applications. It will provide early season control of grasses and broadleaf weeds to allow for optimal timing of in-crop applications of sequential postemergence herbicides in conventional corn or glyphosate and glufosinate resistant corn. It may be applied to the soil surface or incorporated into the top 1-2 inches of soil. It is specified for use alone or in tank mix combinations for control or partial control of weeds, as indicated in Table 3 of the Use Rates section on pages 10-11 of the product label. Caballero may provide postemergence activity on susceptible broadleaf weeds up to 2 inches tall that are present at application but will not provide postemergence activity on emerged grass weeds. If grass and broadleaf weeds are present at the time of application, best results will be achieved by tank mixing with a herbicide including glyphosate or glufosinate.
Compare to: SureStart® II (without acetochlor component)
Find A RepProduct Features:
- Excellent application flexibility, crop safety and proven performance in the residual control of a variety of broadleaf weeds.
- Concentrated formulation for ease of mixing with acetochlor or metolachlor to broaden the spectrum of control of a variety of weed species while reducing handling, storage and disposal costs.
- May be tank mixed with all Gly Star® branded glyphosate products to increase grass and broadleaf control in pre-emergence or postemergence herbicide applications.
- May be applied as a fall application or preplant incorporated, preemergence and early postemergence by ground or aerial application methods.
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