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The Products You Need. The Service You Want.
Lean, efficient organizations in every region of the world, providing the solutions you need fast.
Dedicated representatives in your country who understand your unique challenges.
Expansive product portfolio that includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and more.
Maintaining the Highest Levels of Integrity and Responsibility.
Commitment to the principles of sustainability that support the long-term health of our planet.
Compliance with nationally and internationally recognized health, safety, labor, ethics and environmental principles.
Raising the bar for personal and professional standards of responsibility, for our workplace and our world.

Local Power of a Global Enterprise.
An ever-expanding portfolio of products and technologies to benefit customers worldwide.
State-of-the-art formulation and global manufacturing capabilities to ensure efficiency, quality, and consistency.
A vast network of distributors and logistical partners for speedy response and delivery.
Growing Solutions
For more than 40 years, Albaugh has delivered high-quality crop protection products to farmers around the world, helping them to produce an affordable supply of food to support a growing population.
Whether you’re looking for a single active ingredient, a complete solution, or a unique custom blend, Albaugh seed treatments deliver the right control for your specific needs.
With an ever-expanding portfolio of fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, PGRs, and more, Albaugh Specialty Products continues to offer innovative solutions to the turf, ornamental, landscape and other segments in the green industry.
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