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HiBio® is the most advanced technology that protects your crops against phytopathogens.

Healthier, more productive crops

  • Get the highest performance from your crops and investments with HiBio®. Our patented advancement of fungicides and bactericides based on copper salts radically increases the effectiveness and scope of your harvest results.
  • HiBio® is the only technology on the market that maximizes the bioavailability of the copper ion, which is highly soluble and compatible with other treatments and yields up to 3 times more than other traditional coppers.
  • HiBio® has smaller particles that increase the protection area over your crop, with lower concentrations of metallic copper but greater capacity to protect your investment. HiBio® is manufactured only with industrialized copper, copper free of impurities.
  • HiBio® is the evolution that copper needed, it is the most important advance in 100 years for this technology, because it updates and makes the use of traditional salts as a phytosanitary treatment much more efficient.

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